Your mind believes the words you tell it. When you speak negatively about yourself, your mind begins to believe it and manifest it. Get out of this cycle by using declarations to literally change how your brain thinks about yourself.
Your mind believes what you tell it
The mind is a powerful tool and many do not realize the potential harm they are causing just with the words spoken about themselves. Think about when you make a mistake or do something embarrassing. An immediate response is to say/think something negative about yourself to justify why that happened.
That response is false but your mind takes that statement and turns into fact. So, if you make a mistake and think "I'm so dumb" your mind is going to believe that, despite it being far from truth.
It is time to begin to fill your mind with positive words and replace the negativity that is holding you back from your full potential. Take control of your mind and tell yourself words that you want your mind to believe and it will begin to act in that way.
It is time to take back your mind!
What is a declaration?
A declaration is a power statement or a combination of powerful words. Each statement should be about one sentence long with about three chosen words. These statements are strong and empowering words that will help alter your mind.
The words should be opposites of negatives that frequently come up in your mind. I like to choose bold words that differ from my normal vocabulary to help make the words stand out and feel more meaningful when saying them. Choose words that are things you aspire to be and want to become.
How does it work?
When you have a negative thought come to your mind you need to replace it with those positive words. If you catch yourself saying something such as "I'm stupid," "I'm shy," "I am worthless," "I'm ugly," or anything that puts you down and makes you feel invaluable you use your declarations.
So, when you find yourself saying those things change it and say "I am brilliant, intelligent, and educated." Or "I am talkative, conversational, and outspoken." It is important to repeat them. Say the declaration three times to cancel out the negative.
You can have many declarations. Declarations can be used for anything you want to improve on. If you want to improve on public speaking tell yourself what a wonderful speaker you are. You can change whatever area of your life you want to improve in.
Declarations can be written down and hung up where you can see them. I keep mine near my mirror so I see them each morning. I will stand in front of my mirror and look at myself while I say them.
Why declarations are a needed tool
We live in a time with so much negativity and self-shaming. It has become the normal to immediately put yourself down and that is hurting us. It is okay to be confident and proud of who you are.
When you are kind to yourself and fill your mind with positive thoughts about yourself you will begin to live your best life. Your life will begin to change and you will become your best self.
Declarations are hard
It is going to be difficult and may feel uncomfortable to say these things about yourself. Your mind is going to try and fight these new ideas about yourself. It wants to stay with the familiar words that you have been telling yourself for years.
Push past those feelings of disgust and discomfort. Continue telling yourself that you are strong, beautiful, and radiant. It might start out that you can only think those words. Or maybe you can whisper them. Just start using your declarations.
Eventually you will be able to say them at a normal tone. Then shout them, sing them, use all tones of your voice to say them.
Declarations are life changing
You have worth. You are valuable. You do not have to be anything you do not want to be. The negative words in your mind are not truth. You write your story and choose what your character is.
Fill your mind with the words you want to be. You can completely change your world for the better by using declarations.